Community Organisations

CHAMP Enterprises have been delighted to guide non-profit and community based organisations with bookkeeping and accounting services for over twenty years. We are very aware of the benefits these organisations — particularly childcare centres and sporting associations — bring to those directly involved as well as the wider community.  We develop an excellent rapport with both parent committees and church run organisations so as to align with their goals and help them achieve their desired outcomes. 

How we can help you

Whether your organisation is booming or struggling we can analyse where you are currently and where you have been, to clarify the way forward. Over the years we have seen many organisations struggle — mainly due to lack of time and experience and the struggle to keep up with compliance requirements of government bodies and industry associations.

We can help with the following services:

  • general accounting,
  • cash management,
  • financial reporting,
  • payroll,
  • forward planning,
  • budgets,
  • auditors, and
  • the Australian Charities and Not-for Profits Commission (ACNC)

Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission

The ACNC is responsible for determining whether an organisation can be registered as a charity.  Registration provide charity tax concessions as well as access to a range of Commonwealth concessions, exemptions and benefits.

We work with community organisations to determine their charity purposes and to apply for registration with the ACNC. On an ongoing basis and after each AGM we submit your financial documentation and updated committee membership to the Commission as part of annual return compliance.

Our clients

Our client base includes sporting clubs and associations (including basketball, touch football, Australian Rules, netball), dance studios, before and after school care, vacation care, churches, medical as well as others.  We are sure we can help you!

So, if your organisation is experiencing bookkeeping challenges, perhaps it’s time for someone else to do it.

Contact us today to arrange a discussion about your organisation’s needs and how we can tailor our services to help you.

CHAMP Enterprises gives back to the community by providing pro-bono services to the Lower Mountains Rotary Club.